Employment Law Attorney Los Angeles



Employees in California may bring various claims against their employers, depending on the circumstances. Here are some common types of claims:

  1. Discrimination: Employees are protected from discrimination based on race, color, national origin, ancestry, religion, sex, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, disability, and medical condition. If an employee believes they have been treated unfairly due to any of these protected characteristics, they may file a discrimination claim.
  2. Harassment: Harassment claims may arise from unwanted conduct based on a protected characteristic, such as sexual harassment, bullying, or other forms of mistreatment. Employers are responsible for maintaining a work environment free from harassment.
  3. Retaliation: Employees are protected from retaliation for engaging in certain protected activities, such as reporting discrimination, harassment, or workplace safety concerns. If an employer takes adverse action against an employee in response to such protected activities, the employee may have a retaliation claim.
  4. Wrongful Termination: California is an at-will employment state, meaning employers can generally terminate employees for any reason or no reason at all, as long as it’s not illegal. However, if an employee believes they were terminated in violation of a contract, public policy, or in retaliation for protected activities, they may have a wrongful termination claim.
  5. Wage and Hour Violations: Employees may bring claims related to wage and hour violations, including issues such as unpaid overtime, minimum wage violations, meal and rest break violations, and failure to provide accurate wage statements.
  6. Whistleblower Claims: California has protections for employees who report illegal activities in the workplace. If an employer takes adverse action against an employee for reporting or refusing to participate in illegal conduct, the employee may have a whistleblower claim.
  7. Breach of Contract: If there is an employment contract in place, employees may bring a breach of contract claim if the employer fails to fulfill its contractual obligations.
  8. Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) Violations: If an employer violates an employee’s rights under the FMLA, such as denying protected leave or retaliating against an employee for taking FMLA leave, the employee may have a claim.
  9. Failure to Accommodate: Employers have a duty to reasonably accommodate employees with disabilities. If an employer fails to provide reasonable accommodations, the employee may bring a claim under state and federal disability discrimination laws.
  10. Privacy Violations: Employees may have claims for invasion of privacy if their privacy rights are violated in the workplace, such as through unauthorized monitoring or disclosure of private information.


It’s important to note that employment law is complex, and the specific circumstances of each case can vary. Employees considering legal action should consult with an employment attorney to understand their rights and options.

Aggressive and experienced employment law lawyers in Los Angeles will fight for you to win your claim against a California employer or company. No Recovery No Fee.

CALL 877-777-9497 for a free consultation.


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